Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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Details of Transfer Payment Programs

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Grants and Scholarships (voted)

Start date: 1978

End date: No end Date

Fiscal Year for Terms and Conditions: 2011 - 2012

Strategic Outcome 1.0: Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering

Program, Sub-Program and Sub-Sub-Program: Program

Description: NSERC's class grant Grants and Scholarships program supports university-based basic and project research, college-based project research, provides scholarships and fellowships to young researchers, and facilitates links between universities, colleges, the private sector, and governments.

Expected Results:

  • Canada has a supply of highly qualified Canadians with leading-edge scientific and research skills to fill positions in Canadian industry, government, postsecondary institutions, and other research organizations;
  • Canada makes significant high quality contributions to the creation of knowledge;
  • Canada's research capacity in science and engineering is maintained at world-class levels;
  • Research and training in targeted and emerging areas of national importance is accelerated;
  • The transfer of knowledge and technology residing in Canadian postsecondary institutions to the user sector is facilitated;
  • Mutually beneficial collaborations between the private sector and researchers in postsecondary institutions are created and result in industrial and economic benefits to Canada;
  • The Canadian public has a better understanding of the importance of science and engineering and of Canadian achievements and supports public investments in S&T.
Details of Transfer Payment Programs
Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
2014-15 *
Planned Spending
2015-16 *
Planned Spending
2016-17 *
1.1 People: Research Talent $203,371,000 $203,651,000 $203,651,000 $203,651,000
1.2 Discovery: Advancement of Knowledge $387,590,370 $388,958,440 $387,343,440 $386,608,440
1.3 Innovation: Research Partnerships $255,772,408 $256,756,693 $256,169,656 $256,129,656
Total Grants $846,733,778 $849,366,133 $847,164,096 $846,389,096

* Planned spending does not reflect future budget decisions.

Fiscal Year of Last Completed Evaluation: 2012-13

Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: Continuation

Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: 2013-14

General Targeted Recipient Group: Persons, Industry-related, Non-profit organizations.

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Graduate Scholarship (voted)

Start date: 2003

End date: No end date

Fiscal Year for Terms and Conditions: 2009 - 2010

Strategic Outcome 1.0: Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering.

Program, Sub-Program and Sub-Sub-Program: Sub-program

Description: NSERC's portion of the tri-agency class grant Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) Program provides financial support to high-calibre scholars who are engaged in master's or doctoral programs in the natural sciences or engineering.

Expected Results:

  • Supports up to 5,000 Canada Graduate Scholarship holders each year, awarded to students who demonstrate a high standard of achievement; 2,500 at the Master's level and 2,500 at the PhD. level; plus the short-term addition of 2,500 additional scholarships over three years based on Budget 2009 investments;
  • A significant incremental increase to the existing total funding commitment from the granting agencies for graduate studies and research training through various mechanisms;
  • Increased enrolment in graduate studies in Canada;
  • Improved time to completion of degrees for CGS scholarship holders, relative to national statistics for time to completion in their discipline;
  • Enhanced capacity of Canadian universities to attract the best and brightest young people who will become the next generation of researchers;
  • Highly qualified personnel, expert in research, available to pursue various knowledge-intensive careers within industry, academia, government and other sectors of the economy; and
  • Improved branding of Canada as the home of research excellence and of Canadian universities as world-class research centres.
  Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1.1 People: Research Talent $42,580,000 $42,580,000 $42,580,000 $42,580,000
Total Grants $42,580,000 $42,580,000 $42,580,000 $42,580,000

Fiscal Year of Last Completed Evaluation: 2008-2009

Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: Continuation

Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: 2014-15

General Targeted Recipient Group: Persons, Non-profit organizations

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (voted)

Start date: 2008

End date: No end date

Fiscal Year for Terms and Conditions: 2013-2014

Strategic Outcome 1.0: Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering.

Program, Sub-Program and Sub-Sub-Program: Sub-Program

Description: NSERC's portion of the tri-agency class grant Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships program provides financial support to Canadian and International students who have achieved outstanding success in their studies and will pursue a doctoral program at a Canadian university in the areas of natural sciences and engineering.

Expected Results:

  • Establishment of a Canadian doctoral scholarship that is internationally competitive and internationally recognized, similar to other international scholarships such as the Fulbright and Rhodes;
  • Enhanced capacity of Canadian universities to attract the best and brightest students from Canada and the world with the potential to become leaders in the next generation of researchers in Canada;
  • Attract to Canada top students from other countries who will bring with them new knowledge and ideas, and enrich the Canadian learning environment;
  • Retain Canada's top doctoral students in the face of intense international competition for the brightest researchers;
  • Promote and brand Canada as a home of research excellence and Canadian Universities as world-class institutions of research and higher learning e.g. by improving their standing on the list of the 100 top Universities internationally;
  • Establish effective research collaborations and networks between Canada and the recipients' home countries;
  • Create an alumni of "ambassadors" for Canada worldwide who will promote Canada as a destination for research excellence and higher learning.
Details of Transfer Payment Programs
Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1.1 People: Research Talent $8,350,000 $8,350,000 $8,350,000 $8,350,000
Total Grants $8,350,000 $8,350,000 $8,350,000 $8,350,000

Fiscal Year of Last Completed Evaluation: N/A

Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: N/A

Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: 2013-14

General Targeted Recipient Group: Non-profit organizations, Persons

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Excellence Research Chairs (voted)

Start date: 2008

End date: No End Date

Fiscal Year for Terms and Conditions: 2010-11

Strategic Outcome 1.0: Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering.

Program, Sub-Program and Sub-Sub-Program: Sub-program

Description: NSERC's portion of the tri-agency class grants Canada Excellence Research Chairs (CERC) Program to attract Canadian and international leaders who can positively contribute to our global competitiveness, future prosperity and well-being, as well as provide deeper understanding of the human dimension of technological change in the areas of natural sciences and engineering.

Expected Results:

  • Attract world-leading researchers, trainees and other research professionals to Canada;
  • Enhance research capacity in Canadian universities in areas of priority for Canada;
  • Increase awareness of chair holders and research excellence in Canada.
Details of Transfer Payment Programs
Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1.1 People: Research Talent $18,200,000 $18,200,000 $18,200,000 $18,200,000
Total Grants $18,200,000 $18,200,000 $18,200,000 $18,200,000

Fiscal Year of Last Completed Evaluation: N/A

Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: N/A

Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: 2014-15

General Targeted Recipient Group: Non-profit organizations, Persons

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Industrial R&D Internship Program (voted)

Start date: 2007

End date: No end date

Fiscal Year for Terms and Conditions: 2009-2010

Strategic Outcome 1.0: Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering.

Program, Sub-Program and Sub-Sub-Program: Sub-Program

Description: NSERC's portion of the tri-agency class grant Industrial R&D Internship (IRDI) Program provides financial support to eligible, not-for-profit organizations to match graduate students and post-doctoral fellows with private sector organizations for private sector research internships involving expertise in natural sciences and engineering. The interns work on research projects jointly developed by their private sector partner and academic supervisor.

Expected Results:

  • New S&T solutions developed for business needs;
  • Expose private sector to S&T benefits;
  • Strengthen linkages between business and universities;
  • Increase private investment in S&T;
  • Create positions for S&T graduates; and
  • Expose S&T graduates to real world business problems
Details of Transfer Payment Programs
Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1.3 Innovation: Research Partnerships $6,880,125 $6,880,125 $6,880,125 $6,880,125
Total Grants $6,880,125 $6,880,125 $6,880,125 $6,880,125

Fiscal Year of Last Completed Evaluation: 2012-13

Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: Continuation

Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: 2017-18

General Targeted Recipient Group: Industry related, Persons

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Networks of Centres of Excellence (voted)

Start date: 1997

End date: No end date

Fiscal Year for Terms and Conditions: 2013-2014

Strategic Outcome 1.0: Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering.

Program, Sub-Program and Sub-Sub-Program: Sub-program

Description: NSERC's portion of the tri-agency class grant Networks of Centres of Excellence Program to mobilize Canada's research talent in the academic, private, public and not-for-profit sectors and apply it to the task of developing the economy and improving the quality of life of Canadians.

Expected Results:

  • Increased networking and collaboration among researchers from Canada and abroad;
  • Leading-edge research findings that are relevant to the needs of the user sector (e.g., private and public sectors, non-governmental organizations, and others) and Canada's socio-economic development;
  • Nation-wide, multidisciplinary and multisectoral research partnerships between universities and the user sector (e.g., private and public sectors, non-governmental organizations, and others); and
  • Training that promotes multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral research approaches and encourages trainees to consider the economic, social, environmental and ethical implications of their work.
Details of Transfer Payment Programs
Forecast Spending 2013-14 Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1.3 Innovation: Research Partnerships $33,430,050 $33,430,050 $33,430,050 $33,430,050
Total Grants $33,430,050 $33,430,050 $33,430,050 $33,430,050

Fiscal Year of Last Completed Evaluation: 2012-13

Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: Continuation

Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: 2014-15

General Targeted Recipient Group: Industry-related, Persons

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence (voted)

Start date: 2007

End date: No end date

Fiscal Year for Terms and Conditions: 2011-2012

Strategic Outcome 1.0: Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering

Program, Sub-Program and Sub-Sub-Program: Sub-program

Description: NSERC's portion of the tri-agency class grant Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence program establishes networks conducting research in priority areas resulting in a long-term competitive advantage to consortia of Canadian firms, supported by networks of academics and government researchers in areas of natural sciences and engineering. This program is included within the class grants Networks of Centres of Excellence program.

Details of Transfer Payment Programs
Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1.3 Innovation: Research Partnerships $5,573,412 $6,709,482 $6,917,000 $6,551,000
Total Grants $5,573,412 $6,709,482 $6,917,000 $6,551,000

Expected Results:

  • Increase private sector investment in R&D and advanced technologies;
  • Provide high quality post-graduate and post-doctoral training in innovative research;
  • Strengthen public-private sector collaboration, including links between young researchers and firms, to address significant research challenges that meet business needs;
  • Increase industry R&D capacity, including among small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and receptivity to the results of R&D;
  • Outline a clear path to market or business application for the proposed research;
  • Seek commercialization benefits that position Canadian firms in high value segments of production chains;
  • Create, grow and retain companies in Canada that are able to capture new markets with new innovations;
  • Accelerate the commercialization of leading edge technologies, goods and services in priority areas where Canada can significantly advance its competitive advantage; and
  • Strengthen domestic collaboration and ensure that benefits spill over to a wide array of firms, sectors and regions of the country.

Fiscal Year of Last Completed Evaluation: 2011-12

Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: Continuation

Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: 2014-15

General Targeted Recipient Group: Industry-related

Name of Transfer Payment Program: College and Community Innovation Program (voted)

Start date: 2007

End date: No end date

Fiscal Year for Terms and Conditions: 2012-13

Strategic Outcome 1.0: Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering

Program, Sub-Program and Sub-Sub-Program: Sub-program

Description: NSERC's portion of the tri-agency class grant College and Community Innovation (CCI) Program increases innovation at the community and/or regional level by enabling Canadian colleges to increase their capacity to work with local companies, particularly small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), in areas of natural sciences and engineering. It supports applied research and collaborations that facilitate commercialization, as well as technology transfer, adaptation and adoption of new technologies, in areas of strategic importance to Canada.

Expected Results:

  • Increased awareness by local businesses of the capacity of the postsecondary institutions to assist with applied research projects;
  • Increased involvement of faculty in applied research;
  • Increased applied research capacity at colleges;
  • College students acquiring applied research knowledge and experience, and exposure to business work environments;
  • New technologies and processes adopted by local businesses and other organizations;
  • Increased applied research collaborations between colleges, universities, local businesses and other organizations;
  • Increased R&D investment by local businesses and other organizations;
  • Increased productivity and competitiveness of local businesses and other organizations; and
  • Enhanced reputation of colleges as applied research partners for local businesses and other organizations.
Details of Transfer Payment Programs
Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1.3 Innovation: Research Partnerships $40,570,662 $40,655,250 $40,760,172 $40,760,172
Total Grants $40,570,662 $40,655,250 $40,760,172 $40,760,172

Fiscal Year of Last Completed Evaluation: 2012-13

Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: Continuation

Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: 2017-18

General Targeted Recipient Group: Industry-related, Persons